Wondershare PPT2DVD是一款将PowerPoint转换到DVD、MiniDVD、MPEG、WMV、AVI等视频格式的软件,让你的PPT演示能够在PC或DVD播放机上播放。
它不仅能够保留原始PowerPoint文件的全部效果,还能添加背景音乐、录制解说词,甚至改变每幅图片的演示时间。PPT2DVD内置刻录引擎,能够兼容绝大多数DVD刻录机和DVD播放机,支持PowerPoint 2007和Vista。
已做成便携版,不对系统和注册表有更改、配置实时保存m为了保证转换质量和速度,最好升级系统的Windows Media Player,可以到微软官方下载安装。
Wondershare PPT2DVD is the first program that enables users to convert existing PowerPoint presentations to dynamic DVD movies with ease. The final output will retain all subtleties from the original presentation, such as animations, transitions, sounds, video clips, and even hyperlinks between slides!
Besides, users are allowed to create eye-catching DVD menus for easy and quick navigation. Also, with the build-in DVD burner you can produce PowerPoint DVD movies without attendance.
Wondershare PPT2DVD下载信息
下载Wondershare PPT2DVD绿色便携版:
WS.PPT2DVD4.7.4.17_PortableSoft.Cn.rar | 15.26 MB
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