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更新时间:2008-08-11 07:00:00浏览次数:486+次



??????*??可以处理附加的文本剪贴板及历史记录 (默认为5个,可自定义更多子至无限);
??????*??可以抓取屏幕快照 (使用参数自动保存到任意文件夹);

WireKeys is a Windows NT4/2000/XP utility that speeds up routine tasks by reducing the number of keystrokes required to perform them. If you're tired of installing one utility after another to fit all your needs, WireKeys is the solution you've been looking for. Now you can manage *all* your hotkeys from one place instead of remembering preferences of tens applications. And hotkey in WireKeys can be much more useful and effective than in any other application.


Automate all aspects of everyday working with your computer. Control file and directory manipulation, text replacement, text processing, file v9_download_data_before_my2s and uploads. Use an inline calculator. Create additional desktops. Eliminate repetitive tasks using JavaScript-compatible macro language. Use your own intuitive hotkeys in combination with your mouse and screen edges.


下载WireKeys 3.6.7中文绿色版
纳米盘 | MediaFire

WireKeys官方主页 | WireKeys Portable