Stardock SkinStudio可以用来创建Windows XP、Vista下的Visual Style主题。一个完整的Visual Style视觉样式将会改变Windows图形用户界面的标题栏、边框、按钮、滚动条、启动栏、开始菜单和几乎所有其他的界面元素。
????*??创建Visual Style主题(Create a new Visual Style);
????*??创建Windows Media Player皮肤(Create your own Windows Media Player Skin);
????*??编辑现有的Visual Style主题(Edit existing visual Style),此时Stardock SkinStudio会自动检测系统中已安装的主题文件并列表方便选择。
使用说明:Stardock开发了多款著名的美化工具,如WindowBlinds以及IconPackager等, 有理由相信SkinStudio也是一款专业美化利器;如果你是一个美化爱好者,你完全可以用SkinStudio方便地DIY出丰富多彩的主题风格。
其实对于主题编辑我最多是用SFC更改下默认字体,真正做出一款好的主题是需要很大的耐心和工作量的,我们应该感谢那些美化达人为我们奉献那么多的主题。这里提供的是SkinStudio 5.0.0,使用前最好先运行@Install_绿化.bat以注册odcommon.dll,主程序为SknStdio.exe。
Stardock SkinStudio is a program that allows users to create visual styles for Windows XP and Windows Vista. These visual styles are applied by the popular GUI skinning program, WindowBlinds. A fully complete visual style will change the title bars, borders, push buttons, scrollbars, Start bar, Start menu, and virtually every other part of the Windows GUI.
The new version is designed to make it much easier for new users to get into skinning. Skinners can change as much or little of the GUI as they choose and SkinStudio will fill in the rest for them.
Stardock SkinStudio下载信息
Stardock.SkinStudio.v5.0.0_PortableSoft.Cn.rar | 4.1 MB
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