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PE Anatomist 便携版 - 免费 PE 文件解析器

更新时间:2020-06-27 23:04:40浏览次数:997+次

PE Anatomist 是一个免费小工具,用于分析 PE 文件内部数据结构。PE 文件 (Portable Executable) 就是可移植性可执行文件,它支持解析 EXE、DLL、SYS、OCX、SCR、CPL、TLB、OLB、MUI、IME、BPL、OBJ、EXP、LIB 等 PE 文件格式。

加载文件后,软件会解析出 PE 数据结构,并做一定的数据分析,可查看的信息包括 DOS Header、File Header、Optional Header、Signature、Section、DLL Import、Resources、Base Relocations、IAT 等。

PE Anatomist

使用管理员权限运行 PEAnatomist.exe 的话,还可以设置文件关联,直接从可执行文件右键菜单调用 PE Anatomist 进行解析。

PE Anatomist 文件关联


本软件为便携版本,下载解压后直接执行主程序 PEAnatomist.exe 即可,可将要分析的文件直接拖入 PE Anatomist 窗口。

软件配置保存在 PEAnatomist.cfg 文件中。

PE Anatomist 绿色版

彻底清理本绿色版请以管理员权限执行 [Uninstall].bat 脚本。

PE Anatomist v0.1.16.206 更新日志

  1. Slight optimization
  2. Fixed an error in determining of a register names in the CodeView symbols description in very rare cases
  3. Added the ability to copy entire columns to the clipboard with multiple row selection
  4. Added display settings for the FLC panel and status panel
  5. The error of scaling the size of the cells of the status bar is fixed
  6. Splitter controls have been added in most of tabs
  7. Added host resolving for ApiSet libraries in import tables
  8. Added selection of an external DLL for determining the ApiSet host in the program settings
  9. A partial search has been added to the ExceptionsData table (experimental function)

PE Anatomist shows almost all known data structures inside PE, OBJ or LIB files and makes some analytics.

PE Anatomist Portable 相关文件下载

软件开发商: RamMerLabs
压缩包解压密码: www.portablesoft.org
压缩包MD5+扫描报告: 5AD5A4BFA42E8A03CAC6950AAB7B83A8

开始下载 PE Anatomist 便携版
PEAnatomist_0.1.16.206_PortableSoft.7z (109.08 KB)
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