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FTP自动管理工具:CodingFTP Professional绿色版

更新时间:2021-07-20 15:04:36浏览次数:52+次


CodingFTP所作的是非常简单的:帮助你自动、灵活的进行FTP操作。通常的拖放操作是很有用的功能,但是当你每天需要进行大量的FTP操作时拖放操作会变得沉闷而乏味。有了CodingFTP后,你就能容易的重复任何你需要的操作,比如上传/下载文件、更改文件日期、更改文件权限、删除文件/文件夹等,并且所有这些操作你都可以创建一个简单的脚本就可轻松实现,你需要做的就是点击一个按钮,或者你连按钮也不想点击,也没问题,你可以用系统Task Scheduler来自动运行脚本。这样你就可以完成别的工作,让CodingFTP自动完成上传/下载/删除等任务了。

如果你是一名网站管理员,你可能每天都要编辑非常多的页面、图片等,如果你不想在冗长的手动上传/下载操作中浪费时间,为什么不让 CodingFTP帮助你呢?

* What CodingFTP does is very simple: Help you to perform FTP operations automatically and flexibly. Drag & drop is a useful function, but it's really tedious if you need to do this hundreds of times a day. With Coding FTP, you can easily repeat all the operations you want, e.g. upload/v9_download_data_before_my2 files, change file dates, change file permissions, delete file/folders, etc.


And you can easily do all this by creating a simple script. Then, all you need to do is a simple button click. Maybe you don't want to click a button? No problem! You can use any scheduler, e.g. Windows Task Scheduler, to automate the script. Now, you can focus on your work and let Coding FTP upload/v9_download_data_before_my2/delete files for you automatically.


下载下载CodingFTP Professional 2008.20绿色版:
RayFile | MediaFire

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