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Ashampoo Magical Snap中文绿色版 - 专业易用的截图工具

更新时间:2008-11-08 01:57:51浏览次数:938+次

Magical Snap是Ashampoo出品的一款不错的截图工具,在提供丰富功能的同时保持了软件的易用性,界面也很柔和大方,这也是Ashampoo软件的共性。


Magical Snap支持5种截图模式:捕捉滚动窗口(文本)、捕捉滚动窗口(网站)、捕捉窗口、捕获选择的矩形区域、捕获自由选择的区域、捕获固定区域。可以说能满足绝大部分的截图要求。

使用说明:使用前先将@注册.reg双击导入注册表,再运行主程序ashsnap.exe 就可以了。

Magical Snap具有一个方便的捕获工具栏,可选择在屏幕边缘显示捕获栏,鼠标移动到边缘就自动出现程序菜单,并选择捕捉任务,很是方便,而捕获栏是可以选择放置到屏幕的上栏、下栏、左栏、右栏中的一个的。

Magical Snap的后期处理功能也不错,也是通过滑动工具栏实现各种效果的,截图支持保存为BMP、JPG、PNG等图片格式还有PDF格式

Ashampoo Magical Snap is a screen capture tool with powerful and intuitive editing capabilities. It enables you to capture virtually anything on your screen – all or part of program windows, websites, the desktop and anything else displayed on your computer’s monitor. Then you can use the editing tools to enhance the screenshot and turn it into a really attractive image.

Ashampoo Magical Snap

Interactive guides show you how to perform every operation. All features are also so simple to use that you can get results really fast. For example, the unique Mouse Tools editing tools display their options next to the mouse pointer so that you don’t have to search in menus. You have to try it to appreciate it, Mouse Tools are truly cool and make image editing amazingly easy!


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