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Axure RP

更新时间:2020-04-17 14:23:03浏览次数:592+次

您即将下载的软件是 Axure RP (28.90 MB): 强大、灵活的产品原型设计工具,能够高效制作产品原型 (Demo),快速绘制线框图、流程图、网站架构图、示意图、HTML 模版等。

为确保软件能正常运行,请下载压缩包后使用最新版 7-Zip 或 WinRAR 解压后再运行或安装。如果 Axure RP 有了新版本,烦请联系我们,我们将及时更新。

Axure RP 绿色版下载地址列表:

鉴于版权因素,本站 Axure 绿色版为试用版本,有 30 天全功能试用期。

  • . 城通网盘: https://474b.com/file/763521-437909244
  • . 百度网盘:

    提取密码: djkm

  • . 蓝奏云盘: https://portablesoft.lanzoui.com/ibipbgb
  • . 官方原版/安装包: https://axure.cachefly.net/versions/9-0/AxureRP-Setup-3693.exe


Axure RP 更新日志:

  1. Page dimensions list to display automatically when starting a new project/page
  2. Allow Outline/Pages hierarchy to expand temporarily when searching for widgets
  3. Support specific icon fonts in Low Fidelity mode (don’t convert to Axure Handwriting)
  4. Added “Tips for Getting Started” for first time users
  5. Double-click outside of a nested dynamic panel to navigate to the parent panel
  6. Selection is maintained when closing out of a panel state or repeater
  7. Dragging widgets downward scrolls canvas more easily on Windows
  8. Fixed an issue that could lead to corrupted pages on team projects
  9. Fixed issue not allowing import from .rpteam files
  10. Fixed errors using low fidelity mode on pages with radial gradients
  11. Fixed widgets in different panel states not updating after changes to their widget style
  12. Fixed center-aligned fit to width text widgets moving after modifying text
  13. Fixed an issue with widgets treated as flyouts hiding too soon in the HTML