更新时间:2017-04-16 15:10:30浏览次数:978+次
您即将下载的软件是 Xshell 5 Build 1199 (5.0.1199) (4.23 MB): 一款完全免费且非常稳定的 SSH 客户端 ,支持多种远程协议,提供了很多特色与高级功能,简体中文界面也让你轻松管理远程服务器。
为确保软件能正常运行,请下载压缩包后使用最新版 7-Zip 或 WinRAR 解压后再运行或安装。如果 Xshell 有了新版本,烦请联系我们,我们将及时更新。
Xshell 5 Build 1199 (5.0.1199) 绿色便携版下载地址列表:
- . 城通网盘: https://portablesoft.ctfile.com/fs/QXT198566383
- . 百度网盘:
提取密码: 7nee- . 天翼云盘: http://cloud.189.cn/t/2ueeYnyAVVJz
- . 官方原版/安装包: http://www.netsarang.com/download/down_xsh.html
Xshell 5 Build 1199 (5.0.1199) 更新日志:
- ADD: ED25519 encryption algorithm
- MOD: Changed Dialog Window's default font
- MOD: OpenSSL upgraded to v1.0.2k
- FIX: Compression does not function if compression options is set to delayed
- FIX: Unexpected packet 80
- FIX: "+" character not processed in command line
- FIX: Internal SFTP command line history support
- FIX: While in single process mode even if set to open in new window, new session opens in current window
- FIX: Multipane Full Screen mode unselectable from Context Menu when in Full Screen mode
- FIX: Find is not applied to other tabs