更新时间:2013-08-11 17:54:22浏览次数:495+次
您即将下载的软件是 Process Lasso (32位版) (1.10 MB): 一款有效的系统性能实时优化工具,通过自动、动态调整进程的优先级和 CPU 亲和力,保持系统快速响应,有效避免系统假死、停止响应、持续占用 CPU 等不正常情况,从而明显提升系统性能,提高系统稳定性。
为确保软件能正常运行,请下载压缩包后使用最新版 7-Zip 或 WinRAR 解压后再运行或安装。如果 Process Lasso 有了新版本,烦请联系我们,我们将及时更新。
Process Lasso (32位版) 绿色版下载地址列表:
鉴于版权因素,PortableSoft 仅提供 Process Lasso 免费绿色版,免费版功能有限。
- . 城通网盘: http://www.400gb.com/file/21063907
- . 百度网盘: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=569086&uk=587538758
- . 官方原版/安装包: https://bitsum.com/files/processlassosetup64.exe
- . 激活码特惠: https://www.portablesoft.org/category/goprocesslasso.html
Process Lasso (32位版) 更新日志:
- New flat file log format that improves the logging performance, particularly noticeable while in the GUI
- New log file rotation allows archiving of old log files, improved pruning performance, and faster log load by the GUI since the current log can be smaller
- Add distinct polling interval setting for governor and GUI
- Enumerate all log entry types
- Fix failure to properly manage parking of some power profiles
- Fix EnergySaver forced non-idle power profile not switching to that power profile on startup